Explore expert-driven strategies to conquer the silence after submitting job applications and distinguish yourself in a competitive job market.

In today's fast-paced job market, standing out among a sea of applicants is paramount. A common hurdle many job seekers encounter is the silence that often follows submitting job applications. Based on inputs from job seekers and recruitment professionals alike, we've curated actionable strategies to elevate your job application process and increase the likelihood of getting a response.

Polish and Grow Your Professional Skillset

As professionals navigate the intricacies of emerging IT (Information Technology) concepts and technologies, it is crucial to proactively identify the skills, tools, and certifications increasingly sought after by employers. The velocity of technological innovation demands a lifelong learning mindset. It's not merely about acquiring knowledge—it's about embracing the continuous evolution of one's abilities. By regularly updating your skills and adding new proficiencies to your portfolio, you ensure alignment with the latest industry standards and practices, effectively future proofing your career. This proactive investment in your own growth is a cornerstone of professional resilience and adaptability, which are essential qualities in today's dynamic job market. 

Apply Strategically

Apply for roles where your qualifications and interests align closely with the job description; we recommend applying the 80:20 rule to your job search and applying for roles where you meet 80%+ of the qualifications and have an interest in developing your skills to do the rest. An indiscriminate approach to job applications can be counterproductive, as recruiters often seek candidates who exhibit a foundational understanding of the role and a genuine interest in the opportunity. By being selective in your applications, you signal your commitment and suitability for the role, making your application more appealing to recruiters.

A fundamental aspect of optimizing your professional documents involves ensuring a seamless narrative between your resume and LinkedIn profile.

Customize Your Resume for Each Application

In a digital age where applicant tracking systems (ATS) are common, customization is key. Leveraging tools like ChatGPT, Microsoft Copilot, Teal, or Jobscan can optimize your resume to parse through ATS filters effectively. By mirroring the language, keywords, and details found in the job description, you effectively align your skills and experience closely with organizational needs. This strategic alignment serves to highlight your suitability for the role, making your application more compelling, ultimately ranking it higher among other applications.

Identify the Right Point of Contact

It is essential to know where and to whom you're directing your efforts. Many job descriptions include contact details for a recruiter or “hiring manager.” Utilizing this information allows you to establish direct communication, demonstrating your initiative, qualifications, and genuine interest in the role. Recent studies have found that less than 10% of applications get reviewed, so this second form of outreach, and tailoring your communication to this point of contact, can make a significant difference in moving your application forward.

Choose the Appropriate Medium for Follow-up

Upon establishing contact with a recruiter, inquire about their preferred method and frequency for follow-ups. Some may prefer emails, while others are more responsive to texts or LinkedIn messages. Some would welcome a weekly touchpoint, while others suggest you check in with them monthly. Adapting to their preferred communication style and cadence demonstrates respect for their time, processes, and facilitates smoother interactions.

Maintain Persistent Communication

Persistence can set you apart. If you have identified a recruiter supporting your desired role, and even better, one who specializes in hiring for your desired field/jobs, maintain contact, even if the initial role you applied for has been filled. We recommend following up with recruiters every one to two weeks to inquire about any new opportunities unless they tell you otherwise. Additionally, make sure to take the opportunity to share how you’ve been strengthening your skill set. Recruiters are continually seeking talent for new opportunities, and staying on their radar can position you favorably for roles that align with your skills and aspirations. 

Establish Continuity Between Your Resume and LinkedIn Profile

A fundamental aspect of optimizing your professional documents involves ensuring a seamless narrative between your resume and LinkedIn profile. Recruiters often refer to both to gain a holistic view of your career trajectory, skills, and accomplishments. To maintain this continuity:

  • Ensure Consistency in Dates and Roles: Ensure that employment dates and job titles match across both platforms. Any discrepancies could raise questions regarding the accuracy of your information.
  • Harmonize Skill Sets: Highlight the same core skills on both your resume and LinkedIn profile, tailored of course to the specific applications for the former. This consistency reinforces your areas of expertise.
  • Align Your Professional Summary: Your LinkedIn summary and the professional summary on your resume should echo the same themes and professional aspirations, albeit the LinkedIn summary can afford to be more narrative and personable.
  • Showcase Your True Skillset: In a competitive job market, showcasing a genuine and comprehensive skill set can distinguish you from other candidates.
  • Use Keywords Strategically: Incorporate industry-specific keywords and skills that are frequently mentioned in job descriptions within your field. This not only improves visibility through ATS but also aligns with what recruiters are actively seeking.
  • Quantify Achievements: Where possible, quantify your achievements with data and metrics to provide evidence of your contributions and impact. This approach lends credibility and substance to your listed skills and competencies.
  • Solicit Recommendations: On LinkedIn, recommendations serve as powerful testimonials of your professional capabilities and work ethic. Encourage colleagues, clients, or employers to provide recommendations that highlight your skills and achievements.
  • Engage with Your Industry: Regularly share or publish content that is relevant to your industry on LinkedIn. This not only shows your enthusiasm and commitment to your field but also positions you as a proactive and engaged professional.


By implementing these strategies, you enhance your visibility and appeal to recruiters, increasing your chances of advancing in the recruitment process. Remember, every application is a step toward your next career milestone. Continue to refine your approach and let us assist you in your pursuit of professional success.