Apex recognizes the value of harnessing untapped potential and utilizing unique talent. That's why we partner with STEM community-focused organizations to help upskill individuals, close the opportunity divide, and launch new technology and business careers. Together we can create a more inclusive, innovative future for STEM. Take a look at how we interact with some of our STEM partners.

Year Up

Apex is a Year Up workforce employment solutions partner. Our goal is to expand and enrich the workforce with qualified and diverse talent for entry-level IT jobs. In the last 6 years, we have placed 600+ Year Up graduates and participate in:​

  • Job Search, Resume, and Interview Workshops​
  • Mock Interview Days ​
  • Career Panels
  • Guest Speakers​
  • Mentorships
  • Internship Opportunities ​

Year Up


We are a corporate member of CompTIA, which is an established nonprofit whose mission is to unlock people's potential by helping them launch and grow their careers in IT.

Apex provides company orientations, job seeker and recruiter guidance, and access to virtual education courses and career readiness resources​.


edX from 2U

edX from 2U partners with nonprofit universities and corporate partners (like us!) to bring high-quality, affordable education to over 44 million learners worldwide. 

  • 80 University Partners
  • 150+ Online Bootcamps

edX from 2U

Apex's STEM Advocate

Want to get involved with organizations that champion STEM leaders? Interested in pursuing a career in technology?

Email [email protected] to connect with a national STEM advocate who can help invest in your future! The advocate will share valuable information about STEM-related opportunities, programs, and more.

Apex's STEM Advocate